Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Greenwich Time

We awoke to nice clear skies and a warm weather forecast so it was off to Greenwich Villiage today. Both Barry and Annabel took the day off and gave us a great guided tour. We took the trains into the Charing Cross Pier and caught a high speed catamaran down the Thames River to Greenwich Villiage. The boat made several stops downriver along with some high speed runs that really showed the amazing power of these vessels!

I took several shots of the different sites along the way.

We then headed around the grounds of the Greenwich University (the site of the former residences of the Royal Naval College.) On the way we took in our first geocache at the graveyard by St. Alfege's cemetery. After our success we went into several halls including the Painted Chapel. Unbelievable!

Up the hill we went and hit several more caches along the way. The highlight of this location is seeing the GPS show all the zero's in longtitude. By moving back & forth the GPS would show E ast then West. Ah.. toys!
We did several other caches and I even had Barry down on the grass looking under park benches as we hunted a cache (waiting for the "Shopping Period" to end:-) He seemed to enjoy the hunt as we scored the prize. After meeting up with the gals, we walked under the Thames River via the Greenwich Pedestrian Tunnel. Very interesting piece of engineering.

After the walk we needed some refreshments so, after a quick train ride & short walk, we arrived at a local waterfront pub . We ended up situated just opposite & upriver from our launch point earlier in the day. A quick trip home after this then off to The Dolphin Pub in Sydenham for a pub dinner. It's tough in England:-)

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